U.S. History

Teacher: Colt Allison



Grading Policy: Students will be assessed on a total points system. All tests, research papers, and map assignments will be graded on the standard 100 point system. Homework and quizzes will be given point totals according to their difficulty. Students will be requited to have a notebook that will be graded weekly.

Learning activities:

1. Daily Assignments

2. Chapter Tests

3. Unit Tests

4. Research Papers

5. Class Discussion

6. Map Assignments

7. Lecture and Notes


Class Rules:

1. When I am talking everyone is quite!!!

2. Be in your seat and prepared for class when the bell rings.

3. Everyone must have all necessary materials when class begins.

4. Be respectful and responsible.

5. Students will remain seated until dismissed.




Updated by: Trapper Martin
